Commitment Issues?
How do you know if you have Commitment Issues?
Hey Rakstars,
Do you have commitment issues? Like IRL?
- Do you or people around you have commitment issues?
- Do you find yourself within the first 10 minutes changing the show because it doesn’t interest you only to find yourself going back to it?
- Are you bored easily, is that why you can’t commit to a movie theater because you already paid for one movie but you have all the options at your fingertips with Netflix?
How do you know? Well, let’s just say what do you prefer: Movie Theatre or Subscription Services (Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus, etc)?
You enter the movie theater, pass through the buttery popcorn that mesmerizes in the air and as you stand in the line, the anticipation of choosing the right movie becomes a crucial task. What do you choose to watch? A romance drama or a gripping horror film? As you step closer and closer to the front of the ticket line, the pressure increases.
When you walk into the movie hall, after you pay for the movie you chose, you watch it. Sounds simple, right. But there’s no turning back – you have now committed to this movie like a blind date. The stakes are high! But what happens ten minutes into the movie, you are itching at the end of the seat, bored and unimpressed. What happens then, you can’t surf the remote nor can you just get up and leave? Do you commit to staying and watching the movie? Or do you prefer to get up and leave? Maybe, if that’s your option. If you can’t commit to a movie, maybe you have commitment issues. It could be a possibility?
Now Rakstars, let’s just say that you are at home, on a Subscription service like Netflix, you scroll through the numerous options, picking the choice that grabs your attention like a dancing buffet. You can sample as much as you want or little as you please, but through a buffet of entertainment, you’re in your seat like a still balloon. Finally, you select the movie you want to watch and if in the first ten minutes, it doesn’t please you to the tea, then, you are most likely to change it? Or since you had started it, do you plan to finish what you started? But for those with commitment issues, they make a quick exit to the home page having a painless escape. With subscription services, comfort grows and at last they can pause and play and sample another buffet item.
Which do you gravitate towards: Movie theaters or Subscription Video On Demand Services? Did your choice have to do with your commitment issues?
If you picked Movie Theatres, then you are all in. You can handle the commitment. You have the willpower and tenacity to finish what you started. As well, you love the immersive experience of being indulged with a big screen sticking till the credits appear. Even though you have the choice to get up and leave, the stakes are high – the cost of the movie ticket. If you are willing to leave, then you know that you can make a choice without any fear.
If you picked Subscription Video On Demand Services, then you are comfortable with predictability and you often change your mind. You like a multitude of options. You have the desire to enjoy change and don’t want to waste time. Even though you have the choice to finish what you started and stay till the end of the movie, you have the option to fast forward and move on to the next one. You are not fearful of trying new things.
Whichever one you chose, depends on you – but it’s a good test to see if friends, partners or family members have commitment issues. Next time, you want to test a companion commitment issue – put on a movie – one that you know they won’t adore.
See how long they last. Can they commit?