The Big Money Belief: Abundance Mindset
Big Money…Abundance Mindset?
- What we think is true versus what is really true?
- How do we see others’ riches versus our own riches?
- Is Money a Stressor or a Saviour?
I once overheard someone at a Ferrari event ask the person next to them who they just literally met and had passed the Hi How are you, so What do you Do commentary and then just like that, bam, he asked:
What I just don’t understand is… how does someone like you… working as a mid level employee in a company, afford a Ferrari?
Now you may think that this was a rude question but in reality and truth, he was speaking what was on his mind. If he thought this, then maybe just maybe everyone else did. What about the other employees at work? The person’s boss? All scratching their heads dumbfounded. Maybe so?
In order for us to be rich, we must be Rich CEO’s or Investment Managers, Surgeons, High profiled lawyers … but the truth is – here comes the abundance mindset – we must be financially literate.
Think of it as this – You go to school to study and learn and basically be smart so that one day you can buy a house, drive a fancy car, support your family and well – conform to societal norms. But in order to do that, we need the Moolah – the dolla bill – well hundred and hundreds of dolla bills because frankly nothing is cheap anymore. 25 cents chocolate bars seemed like a different world back in the day. I wouldn’t know regardless. LOL!
What we don’t learn is how to be financially independent. How to eliminate financial stress, how to build wealth and how to be our own wealthy person. But the first step in any financial education, learning, masterclass, skill – whatever you want to call it. The idea of having money, lots and lots of it, doesn’t always equate to a fulfilled life. Yes you can have money, lots of it but what’s the point if you are unhappy? I guess that’s where the quote Money can’t buy happiness falls into it. It’s like having a lifetime supply of boston cream donuts, only to have a dairy allergy! What’s the point? You can be a hot shot exec working or some would say slaving for so many years, earning that dough, creating wealth only to realize you are burnt out, tired and have lost your interests, your friends, loved ones – why? Your life was not fulfilled. Working with no meaning or purpose.
So why do they call it Personal Finance?
Well, it’s personal.
No one size fits all.
What is the very first step to financial freedom?
See where you want to go and keep traveling there (metaphorically speaking).
Example: Save up for a nice apartment.
Change your outlook (no not your email). Don’t think of money as a stressor. Think of money as a saviour.
Example: Money is not evil, it’s a positive source of life.
Be Realistic! You won’t wake up as a millionaire, but overtime, in a few years possibly, you can arrive at your fulfilled life. But remember when you start now, change is bound to happen. If you don’t do anything about it, nothing much will change. Unless you leave it to the lotto.
Example: Set a plan of action for budgeting/saving/earning more than what you had before.
Do not surrender to fear. Fear is part of the process. Fear comes before accomplishment
Example: Setbacks are bound to happen.
Where has there been one biography story where the person didn’t encounter hardship. It makes a good story, so keep moving so you get to the next chapter.
Do not let your energy fade. The good one. Day to day actions are needed for a big change. If you lose hope one day, if you forget where you are going, if you forget you won’t go far! Remember your own reason and keep it close to you!
Example: Put it on a sticky note, frame it, take a picture and keep it as your screensaver.