Unlocking Inner Beauty: What I Wish I Was vs. What I Am
Embrace Your Unique Self for Confidence and Happiness
You have a list, don’t you?
Come on, I know you do.
Don’t remember what I’m talking about?
Let me remind you.
The list you have about what you want to look like. Maybe it’s being tall or being skinny or maybe having big shoulders. Physical attributes that you know you can’t change. Our perceived imperfections. Perceived. You ask someone about you being short and they will say they love it. But you don’t. You ask someone about your weight and they will say it’s the same as theirs. You ask someone about your big shoulders and they will say they never noticed. Are imperfections may just be… perfections?
Let’s talk about something that’s been on our minds, some point or another. The way we look. Yes, our appearances. You, your friend, your parents, your teachers, your doctors, your dentist and even your neighbour.
Now do you remember that mental checklist of what you wish you looked like, the physical attributes you’d like to change, the “ideal” versions of ourselves that we imagine. But have you ever stopped to think about whether these perceived imperfections are really imperfections at all?
So what’s on your list? Did you think about it when you looked at yourself in the mirror?
Maybe you wish you were taller, skinnier or had perfect skin. It’s natural to have these thoughts. We all do. But here’s the thing: these are just perceptions, not facts. What you might see as imperfections aka things you don’t like, others might see as beautiful quirks that make you exceptionally you.
Have you ever asked someone else about these perceived flaws? I bet if you did, their response would surprise you. They might tell you that they love your height or that they don’t even notice that it’s a flaw. You see Rakstars, the imperfections we obsess over are often the very things that make us stand out in a crowd, like a Rockstar!
Pause for a moment and look at yourself in the mirror or in the camera app on your phone. Seriously, go ahead, take a look. Do you see yourself? Not just your reflection, but the real you! The you that’s made up of so much more than just an appearance. If you can look in that mirror and love what you see, confidence overrides insecurities and the right people will love it too.
Beauty is what radiates from our hearts and souls. Guess what? The more you embrace and enjoy your inner beauty, the more confident you will become in owning those perceived imperfections.
You are not a robot, nor are you an alien. So why on Earth would you act like one? We’re all human and that means we come in all shapes, sizes and colors. It’s time to stop stressing over what you can’t control and only focus on what you can.
Remember Rakstars, you have the power to change some things, like adopting healthier habits, exercising and staying hydrated. Taking care of yourself.
As for those perceived imperfections, you think are imperfections, well, they’re just that: perceived. No one ever said they were imperfections except for you. However, if someone does happen to make a negative comment about something you’re self-conscious about, remember, the issue might not be your “imperfection” but rather their insensitivity (or maybe just themselves in general).
So let’s be real, Rakstars, you are who you are. Celebrate this! Love your unique qualities and don’t stress on what you can’t control. Those perceived imperfections, remember, are just perceived. No one said it was an imperfection but you. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you for you and say bye to those who don’t. If someone does say something about it – use your better judgment. This perceived imperfection is not the problem, maybe hanging out with them is?
The only real imperfection here might be spending time with people who can’t see your inner beauty. Why hang out with people who put you down? Adios Amigos!
Rakstars, it’s your confidence, your kindness and your inner beauty that truly define you. So, let your light shine, because you are more than enough. It’s time to love yourself and your perceived imperfections. At the end of the day, you are a Rakstar!
You’ve got this! 💪😊