Creating Calm Energy
Creating Calm Energy
In the pace of our fast, often busy, very busy, extremely busy lives, achieving a state of calm can feel like a dream that will never see fruition. The hustle and bustle of everyone’s daily routines whether it’s going to school or work pressures – the never ending demands can leave us yearning for a sense of peace and tranquility – a beach vacation. A feeling where you just want to snuggle up to a good book, read beneath the stars and call it a day. But, in reality, our lives are far different than that of our wants. Rakstars, let’s create calm energy—something that can help us achieve a balanced and harmonious life.
The Essence
What is calm energy? Why do we need to be calm? What is the purpose of calm energy? What does it truly entail? It’s not about suppressing your emotions or becoming a yoga master overnight. Instead, calm energy is all about learning a state of mind that empowers you to live your life while navigating your life’s challenges with a good mindset.
Mastering the Calm Energy
Here are some actionable strategies that can help you master your calm energy:
1. Mindful Mornings: When you wake up and take in that sunshine. Remember to breathe and smile. Meditation or deep breathing exercises can help encapsulate a positive and serene tone for the hours ahead.
2. Declutter Your Environment: A messy, cluttered space can often lead to a cluttered mind. Take the time to tidy up your surroundings, creating a sense of calm and order. When everything is organized and placed in the proper spot, it makes life a little easier. Making you keep calm and carry on.
3. The Breath: Deep and intentional breathing can help you throughout your day. This simple practice can serve as a support or a grounding mechanism so you can feel level headed amidst life’s challenges.
4. Nature Time: When you delve into natural surroundings, it can help to recharge your inner calm energy. Try taking regular walks in the park or simply find a quiet spot in your garden and sit. Take in the air and breathe and let your mind wonder. It feels good.
5. Digital Detox: Try to spend at least one hour away from any screens. It’s hard these days because you can’t operate anything or do anything without one. Keep it simple. Take a look at your surroundings and just relax. Forget about the pings and the messages and the emails and the new posts. In fact, take a break right now before you read the rest of this post. Here, I will keep a bookmark right here so when you come back from your break you know where you left off.
Welcome back, how did you like it? Feel more refreshed! We sure hope you do!
It is important to recognize the impact of digital devices on your peace of mind, especially before bedtime. No one wants to think of work before going night night. Limit your screen time so that you can have a more restful and calm night’s sleep.
6. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: It is important to prioritize your well-being by living a wholesome lifestyle. Remember Rakstars, this includes nourishing your body with healthy foods, regular workouts, and ensuring you get enough sleep.
7. The Gratitude Gift: Create a gratitude journal to shift your focus toward the positive aspects of your life. Sometimes we delve too much in the negative that we forget about us and all the good things that have happened. For example, when you woke up in the morning you had that amazing matcha latte – let’s be grateful to our barista for making it wonderful! Expressing our gratitude can help to foster a sense of calm contentment and appreciation.
So there you have it, Rakstars, the pursuit of calm energy. This is an absolute necessity not a luxury. Try to create inner peace within you, by remembering that you’re not only enhancing and making your life better but also becoming a source of inspiration for those around you.
If you are calm, so will others. You can create a ripple effect of calm and balance creating a better world. Rakstars, are you ready? Share your gift of calm to others.